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Extremely well placed in all gravure applications

Flexible packaging – versatile and dynamic

Gravure’s largest and most diverse market segment has to meet exceptionally strict quality criteria for conveying the brand and product image, at the same time optimum organization and maximum efficiency are also important given the time critical production requirements. The largely automated Heliograph solutions ensure a high cylinder throughput combined with maximum quality and process stability. The high speeds of electromechanical engraving machines and the perfectly coordinated processes eliminate bottlenecks – the key criterion for our customers!

Tobacco – the supreme challenge in packaging printing

The tobacco industry expects its packaging to convey a strong message and be instantly recognizable, with a great deal of textured finishing and complete sensory neutrality. This is important, be cause the tiniest design details and the packaging’s overall sense of value carry key brand messages. Heliograph solutions leave nothing to be desired in this respect. High-resolution line engraving at the very limits of what is feasible, top­-quality linework, and large volumes with directly lasered or etched gravure and embossing cylinders in full 3D have all further enhanced the effectiveness and appeal of such packaging. The more sophisticated the application, the greater the benefit customers derive from the Heliograph companies’ innovative strength.

Decoration – the perfect look with the narrowest of tolerances

 Decorative printing was the first market segment in the printing industry to apply extremely stringent quality requirements in terms of color reproduction. This is because the narrowest of tolerances are vital, if print runs of wood grain reproduction, wallpaper, and floor coverings are to be repeated at will. When it comes to tissue and gift wrap paper, the main focus with cylinders both large and small is on delivering the very high ink transfer volumes that can only be achieved with large engraving depths and must work for all kinds of ink systems. Heliograph offers the full range of electrome­chanical engraving and laser processes for this purpose, including mask etching technology, in the required high precision.

Security features – sophisticated prints and embossings

 Both high-­resolution gravure, often in combination with line engraving and microtext, and the screenless intaglio process with high­-viscosity inks that imitates a hand engraving support a wide range of counterfeit-proof features. This makes gravure one of the preferred printing technologies for securities, stamps, and banknotes with their fine hatching and guilloché. The universal Digilas solution of our laser specialist Schepers makes this company an indispensable partner for such applications.


Publication printing – source of many innovations

Heliograph rounds off its portfolio with solutions geared to the large cylinder widths and critical throughput times encountered in publication printing. Publication gravure was once the birth place of modern rotogravure, and this produced numerous innovations that have now become a vital part of packaging and decorative printing.
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